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CDL - Commercial Driver's License Exam (CDL Test Preparation)

CDL - Commercial Driver's License Exam (CDL Test Preparation)

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CDL - Commercial Driver's License Exam (CDL Test Preparation)

From the Back Cover

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR THE CDL! COMPLETE PREP FOR THE TRUCK AND BUS DRIVER’S LICENSE EXAMSFederal law requires all drivers of commercial motor vehicles to possess a Commercial Driver’s License. To get this special CDL license, you must take and pass the required knowledge and skills tests. By studying from this up-to-date and easy-to-follow book, you’ll be prepared to pass the CDL exam on your first try!The Most Complete CDL ReviewEasy-to-read review chapters give you everything you need to know to pass the CDL exam and get your license. Covers all the basics and the latest requirements for the various sections of the test. Checklists, diagrams, and definitions reinforce your knowledge and skills while you study.The Best CDL Practice Exams AvailableThe book includes 8 full-length CDL practice tests to help you pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. Our practice tests are based on actual CDL questions and cover all the topics tested on the exam. Total Explanations of CDL Exam Questions & AnswersEach CDL practice test comes with detailed feedback on every question. We don’t just say which answers are right – but explain why the others are wrong. This helps you understand the material completely, so you’ll be confident and ready for the CDL exam.Up-to-date Information for All 50 StatesThis complete CDL test prep package features the latest information on the testing and licensing requirements in all 50 states. Learn the facts about the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act, rules, and licensing, so you’ll be well informed on the rules of the road.About the AuthorMatt Mosher is a third-generation trucker with more than 450,000 safe-driving miles behind him. Currently, he teaches the rules of the road to students at the Sage Truck Driving School. He applies his many years of personal driving experience and thorough knowledge of the industry in this compact, must-have CDL test prep.

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Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

FROM THE AUTHORIf you are preparing to take the Commercial Driver’s License Exam, you’ve purchasedthe right book. Although there is an enormous amount of information that you must know,we’ve organized this book in order to make your studying as easy—and effective—as possible.I’ve had more than 450,000 safe miles driving vans, tankers, flatbed, and a variety ofother trucks and trailers. But even more than that, I grew up in the business. My father and hisfather before him were both truckers. It’s in my blood. And now I teach others the “rules of theroad” so to speak. In working on this book, I tried to keep in mind what my students over theyears have needed to know in order to do well on the exam, and I’ve included all of the basicsand the latest requirements for the various sections of the test.You’ll find that this book is divided into easy-to-use sections.Part I is the Introduction, where you will be introduced to the basics of the CDL Exam,including the Exemptions, the various tests, and Safety Act rules.Part II is the review section, where we cover all of the information that will be coveredby the tests. This is the material that you have to know in order to do well on the exam. We’veeven included the new Metal Coil test that is currently in effect in a few states, and may likelybe included in other state tests over time. You might as well be prepared.Part III is the CDL Skills Test Review where you will cover those skills that arerequired for the actual Road Test.Part IV features the Practice Knowledge Tests. I think this is an important part of yourpreparation for the exam. It’s been proven that the more questions you answer before you takethe actual exam, the better you will ultimately do on the final test. If you have enough time toprepare, take each test on separate days and take them in a quiet room, under simulated testconditions. When you’re done, check your answers and then read the explanations. This is veryimportant in order to assure that you really understand the material and aren’t just guessing. Ifyou still have more questions, or anything is unclear, go back to the review material and rereadthe appropriate sections.At the end of the book is our CDL Directory with the up-to-date Commercial Driver’sLicense contacts by state.As you go through the book, you will find that there are some areas that may requireadditional review, based on your previous knowledge or the results of the practice tests. As wesaid earlier, go back to the basics, reread the review sections. By doing so, it will help build yourconfidence and enable to approach the test with a positive and relaxed attitude.Good luck on the test, and see you on the open road!Matt Mosher CHAPTER 1About This BookSince April 1, 1992, all drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) in the United Stateshave been required to have a Commercial Driver License. In order to get this special license,you must first take and pass the required knowledge and skills tests. Using this book correctlywill prepare you to take and pass these tests.This book is made up of four parts. The first part introduces the Commercial Driver’s LicenseExam and helps you figure out which tests you will have to take. The second part reviews thematerial that will be on the Commercial Driver Licensing Knowledge Tests. The third partreviews the material that will be on the Commercial Driver Licensing Skills Tests. Finally, thefourth part contains one General Knowledge practice test, one practice test for each of the fiveEndorsement Tests, and one Air Brakes Test. All of these tests are representative of the actualCommercial Driver Licensing Knowledge Tests in both content and format.Each practice test is followed by an answer key, and each correct answer is explained indetail. We provide detailed explanations so you can see not only why one answer is right,but also why the other answer choices are wrong. By reviewing the material for both theKnowledge Tests and the Skills Test, taking the General Knowledge practice test and any otherpractice Endorsement Tests that apply to your vehicle type, and studying the explanations of thecorrect answers for the practice tests, you can find out how well you are prepared for the actualCommercial Driver’s License Exam and what material you need to review again.THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY ACT OF 1986AND THE COMMERCIAL DRIVER LICENSEOn October 26, 1986, Congress passed the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986. Thepurpose of the Safety Act is to help reduce or prevent truck and bus accidents, deaths, and injuries.This will be done by requiring all truck and bus drivers to have a single Commercial MotorVehicle Driver License and by disqualifying drivers who operate commercial motor vehicles inan unsafe manner.By law, each state must now meet the same minimum standards for commercial driverlicensing. The standards require every person who operates a Commercial Motor Vehicle ininterstate, foreign, or intrastate commerce to get a Commercial Driver License. Once you get aCommercial Driver License you are obligated to return to the state any and all non-CDL driverlicenses that you hold.Classes of License:The federal standard requires states to issue a CDL to drivers according to the followinglicense classifications:Class A – Any combination of vehicles with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds providedthe GVWR of the vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.Class B – Any single vehicle with a GVWR of 26,001 or more pounds, or any such vehicletowing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds GVWR.Class C – Any single vehicle, or combination of vehicles that does not meet the definitionof Class A or Class B, but is either designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including thedriver, or is placarded for hazardous materials.(Your state may have additional definitions of CMVs.)Commercial Driver License RequirementsThere is a federal requirement that each state has minimum standards for the licensing ofcommercial drivers.Age RequirementClass A – You must be at least 21 years of age.Class B and C – You must be at least 18 years of age, but if under 21, you can drive a CMV onlyfor intrastate commerce (for example, within New York State), cannot transport students in aschool bus, and cannot transport hazardous material.Language RequirementYou must be able to read and speak the English language well enough to converse with otherpeople, understand highway traffic signs and signals in the English language, answer questionsfrom officials, and make entries on reports and records.Medical RequirementThe federal government requires most CMV drivers to have a medical examination inorder to detect physical or mental conditions that may affect their ability to operate a motorvehicle safely.Driving With Your Commercial Driver Learner PermitYour commercial driver learner permit allows you to drive a vehicle of the class and type thatmatches the class and any endorsements of your permit, as long as: a driver holding a CDL ofthe same or higher class with the proper endorsements accompanies you at all times. CDL EXEMPTIONSDrivers of the following vehicles that otherwise meet the definition of a CMV are exempt fromthe CDL requirement:- A vehicle with a GVWR of more than 26,000 pounds, owned and controlled by afarmer and used to transport agricultural products, farm machinery, or farm productswithin 150 miles of the farm.- A vehicle primarily designed for purposes other than the transportation of persons orproperty, such as certain construction vehicles.- Fire and police vehicles, operated by authorized personnel.- Military vehicles when operated by members of the armed forces on active duty.- Personal vehicles (including rental vehicles up to 26,000 pounds) when operatedstrictly and exclusively to transport personal possessions or family members fornoncommercial purposes.- A tow truck with a GVWR of 26,000 pounds or less which tows disabled CommercialMotor Vehicles with a GVWR of more than 10,000 pounds for a distance of lessthan 10 miles.THE CDL TESTSTo get a CDL you must take and pass two kinds of tests:(1) Knowledge Tests(2) Skills TestThe Knowledge Tests are written tests that must be taken in your home state. You shouldcontact your nearest Motor Vehicle Department for information regarding location, cost, timeallotment, and date of each Knowledge Test that you need to take, as these details differ fromstate to state.Once you pass the required Knowledge Tests, you may take the Skills Test. This isan “on the road,” or driving, test that must be taken in your home state and in the typeof vehicle for which you wish to be licensed to drive. The Skills Test is usually given byappointment only, as an examiner must be scheduled to ride with you over an approvedcourse. Once again, contact the nearest Motor Vehicle Department in your state of residencyfor information regarding location, cost, time allotment, and appointment setup forthe Skills Test.The Knowledge TestsThere are a total of seven Knowledge Tests: one General Knowledge test, five EndorsementTests, and one Air Brakes Test. This may seem like a lot, but don’t worry. Most drivers will onlyhave to take three or four tests. Each of the seven Knowledge Tests will be scored separately.Which tests should I take?The General Knowledge TestAll applicants for a CDL must take the GENERAL KNOWLEDGE TEST. This test assessesyour knowledge of the general safety rules that must be followed while driving CommercialMotor Vehicles and while transporting cargo of all types.In addition to the General Knowledge Test, you may have to take one or more EndorsementTests and/or the Air Brakes Test depending on what type of vehicle you wish to be licensedto drive.The Endorsement TestsThere are five Endorsement Tests. Each one tests your knowledge of a particular type ofCommercial Motor Vehicle. If you drive or plan to drive one of the specialized vehicles listed,you must take the corresponding test:For each Endorsement Test that you take and pass, a special marking, or endorsement,will be placed on your CDL. This marking will indicate to others that you are qualified, orauthorized, to drive that particular type of commercial motor vehicle.NOTE: For additional assistance in determining which tests you need to take and whichsections of this book you need to study, see “How to Use This Book” at the end of this chapter.Which class of vehicles will I be licensed to drive?The class of vehicle (A, B, or C) that your CDL permits you to drive depends on two factors:(1) the Endorsement Tests that you take, and (2) the class of vehicle in which you take yourSkills Test. If, once you have obtained a CDL, you wish to drive a commercial motor vehiclefrom a different vehicle class than the one indicated on your CDL, you will be required to retakeand pass all related tests, except in the following situations:A) If you have passed the Knowledge and Skills tests for a combination vehicle(Class A), you may operate a heavy, straight vehicle (Class B) or a small vehicle(Class C) as long as you already have the appropriate endorsements on your CDLand your license is not restricted for air brakes.B) If you have passed the Knowledge and Skills tests for a heavy, straight vehicle(Class B), you may operate any small vehicle (Class C) as long as you alreadyhave the appropriate endorsements on your CDL and your license is not restrictedfor air brakes.NOTE: To drive a motorcycle or Class A limited use motorcycle, you must have amotorcycle license.

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Product details

Series: CDL Test Preparation

Paperback: 352 pages

Publisher: Research & Education Association; Fifth Edition, Revised edition (March 15, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0738609072

ISBN-13: 978-0738609072

Product Dimensions:

8.8 x 1.2 x 11.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

121 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#241,545 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

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if(carousel.getAttr('firstVisibleItem') == '1') {



} else if(totalPages - (carousel.getAttr('firstVisibleItem')-1) == noOfCardsOnScreen){



} else {





// Opens video in a modal window when the card is clicked

function openVideoInModal(index){

$('.faw-modal').css('display', 'inline');


//get the video from playList and set it as src to the iframe

var video = playList[index];

$("#fawIframe").attr("src", video);

$("#fawIframe").attr("index", index);

var listLength = playList.length;

var videoIndex = (index+1) + " of " + listLength;


if(index == 0) {


$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

} else if(index == listLength-1) {

$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'hidden');

$(".previous-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

} else {

$(".previous-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'visible');



// opens the previous video based on index of the video

function goToPreviousVideo() {

var index = $("#fawIframe").attr("index");

if(index == 1) {


$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

} else {

$(".previous-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'visible');


var videoIndex = index + " of " + playList.length;


var video = --index;

var preVideo = playList[video];

$("#fawIframe").attr("src", preVideo);

$("#fawIframe").attr("index", video);



//opens next video based on index of the video

function goToNextVideo() {

var index = $("#fawIframe").attr("index");

var listLength = playList.length - 1;

if(index == listLength-1){

$(".previous-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'hidden');

} else {

$(".previous-video").css('visibility', 'visible');

$(".next-video").css('visibility', 'visible');


var video = ++index;

var nextVideo = playList[video];

$("#fawIframe").attr("src", nextVideo);

$("#fawIframe").attr("index", video);

var videoIndex = index+1 + " of " + playList.length;




// load and reset appropriate gifs in FAW shoveler



A.on("a:carousel:faw-carousel:change:firstVisibleItem", function(data) {




//opens video upon click

$(".fawCarouselCard").bind("click", function(e) {

var index = $(this).attr("aria-posinset")-1;




// opens previous video upon clicking previous button

$(".previous-video").bind("click", function(e) {



//opens next video upon clicking next button

$(".next-video").bind("click", function(e) {



// close the video upon clicking close button

$(".close-video").bind("click", function(e) {



//play gif upon hover

$(".fawCarouselCard").bind("mouseenter", function(e) {


var loadedParent = $(".loadedCard").parent(".fawCarouselCard");

$(".loadedCard").attr("src", $(loadedParent).attr("data-img-url"));


var card = $(this).children(".fawPrimaryImage");

$(card).attr("src", $(this).attr("data-gif-url"));






This file contains custom display and transition carousel strategies for the feature awareness widget (FAW) on mobile pages. Custom carousel strategies are necessary as AUI

does not currently natively support a carousel that simultaneously has the following properties:

1) Non-circular

2) One card is displayed per page and the card is centered

3) A previous card peek and next card peek is shown per page if either exist

4) The width of the next and previous card peeks including their

margins should occupy 50% of the remaining viewport after accounting for the centered card


P.when("a-carousel-framework", "a-carousel-display-fawdisplay").execute(function (framework, strategy) {

framework.registerStrategy("display", "fawDisplay", strategy);


P.when('A', 'jQuery', 'a-carousel-constants').register('a-carousel-display-fawdisplay', function (A, $, ATTR) {

var initAttrs = {};

initAttrs[ATTR.PAGE_SIZE] = 1;

var cardWidth = 250;

var outerWidth = 260;

var setSize;

var carouselWidth;

return {

initAttrs: initAttrs,


* Establish values for required attributes, make cards visible, and repaint.


* @public

* @param {Carousel} carousel


init: function (carousel) {

var self = this;

carousel.dom.$carousel.children('li').css('visibility', 'visible');

setSize = carousel.getAttr(ATTR.SET_SIZE);

carouselWidth = outerWidth * setSize;


// Set cache


carousel: {

width: carouselWidth


items:, function () {

return {

width: cardWidth,

outerWidth: outerWidth,







* Calculate and apply a new item and peek width.


* @public

* @param {Carousel} carousel


* triggers a:carousel:[name]:repaint


repaint: function (carousel) {

var viewportWidth = carousel.getDimensions().viewport.width;

var peekWidth = (viewportWidth-cardWidth)/2;

carousel.setAttr(ATTR.PEEK_WIDTH, peekWidth, false);

$('.faw-carousel-right-button').css('left', (viewportWidth-15)+'px');

if(carouselWidth<=viewportWidth) {


} else {

$('.faw-carousel-buttons').css('display', 'inline');




* If the viewport width changes, repaint.


* @public

* @param {Carousel} carousel


* triggers a:carousel:[name]:repaint


resize: function (carousel, changes) {

if (changes.viewport && changes.viewport.width !== undefined) {






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.cr-lighthouse-anchor-buffer {

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cdl test

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There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later.mark s mirek1.0 out of 5 starsI bought it for studying the hazmat part. It's ...

June 13, 2017Format: Kindle EditionVerified PurchaseI bought it for studying the hazmat part. It's exactly the text that is available on the Illinois Secretary of State website, free of charge. I've just paid for this about 10 bucks because I thought it's something nicer to study from.

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Karmen Litton3.0 out of 5 starsGood read but missing info

December 18, 2015Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseGreat book to learn but, I found it missing some info that Arizona CDL handbook had in it. I had to retake the combination portion again do to missing info. Good study just don't solely rely on this book.

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marcus murph5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars

November 18, 2017Format: PaperbackVerified PurchasePassed the test just with this book in Alabama

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Busybody5.0 out of 5 starsCDL study guide

February 23, 2016Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseThis book is a great study aid for obtaining your CDL. It is straight forward and easy to follow. I would recommend this book if you're studying for your CDL exam. It also provides a comprehensive review with answer sheet.

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Joebme5.0 out of 5 starsComplete prep for cdl

October 27, 2012Format: Kindle EditionVerified PurchaseGreat book got it in kindle and listen to it while driving and at night before bed. I find it informative and knowledgeble. I would highly recommend it for anyone interested in their cdl license

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Melody L. Kossow-Limandri5.0 out of 5 starsExcellent

May 30, 2015Format: Kindle EditionVerified PurchaseMy husband needed the book to retest for his commercial license. They don't even give you books at the license bureau. We didn't know what to do and then I remembered we could download any book from amazon. I looked it up purchased it. Ten minutes later he was studying on our kindle. Excellent

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Bonnie A. Noyes5.0 out of 5 starsI passed my CDL Knowledge Test

March 4, 2014Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseThe course material was well written and easy to understand, even for someone like me with no experience in this field. Practice tests not only had the correct answers to grade your work by but a detailed explanation of why that answer was right and the others were wrong. I felt that this helped me learn the material instead of memorizing answers for the test. We'll worth the money both as test preparation and a resource to keep.

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Anonymous5.0 out of 5 starsInformative

January 21, 2019Format: PaperbackVerified PurchaseInformative

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var isAUI = typeof P === 'object' && typeof P.when === 'function';

if(typeof setCSMReq == 'function') {


}else {

if(typeof uet == 'function') {









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if(typeof P !== "undefined" && typeof P.when === "function"){

P.when('cf').execute(function() {












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jQuery('.oneClickSignInLink').click(function(e) {

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return true;



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