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Download PDF Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

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Download PDF Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

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Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

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Nomads of Niger, by Carol Beckwith

This book is about a unique and colorful people-the Wodaabe of Niger in Saharan,

Africa. The author lived among the Wodaabe people for 18 months in order

to write this book.

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Product details

Hardcover: 224 pages

ISBN-10: 0810981254


Package Dimensions:

13.1 x 10.1 x 1.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.3 out of 5 stars

11 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,599,657 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Let me begin by saying I really love finding such unique, fine quality books, like this one, and in this regard Abrams never fails to let me down with uniquely topical subject matter exquisitely published at an affordable price.This book details the Wodaabe tribe of Niger in sub-Saharan Africa, and details the daily life,as well as special rituals/ceremonies, of the Wodaabe through a narrative focusing on a particular herdsman, Mokao and his family. I found this format to be interesting, and less dense/academic than other fine books I've purchased from Abrams. The photographer and author both lived with the Wodaabe for 2 years, and the narrative of Mokao's family really connects the reader to these nomadic peoples on a more tangible level than any scholarly essay could (granted the author does, of course, break from the narrative to explain some fascinating particularities of the Wodaabe, so the book is still very informative).The book itself is truly beautiful! The 1983 edition has definitely stood the test of time, and is very affordable (I paid $4.50 for an excellent edition). Book is like a work of art, and is finely bound in Italy: there is an artistic inlay on the cover; the chapters are printed on a very grainy, construction-paper (accompanied by line-drawings and maps), while 144 high quality color images are dispersed between the chapters on a contrasting, glossy paper.A unique addition to any library for the price, perfect for lovers of photography or African culture. Also of interest, Abrams produces a similarly topical book detailing the lives of the Hopi tribe of the southeast US (ISBN: 0810910829; printed in a similar format: grainy chapters, great images, authors who truly got to know the people they were writing about).

I read the original article in the National Geographic. The photographs in this book are sensational. The book is very well written. I would recommend this book to anyone interested in the people of Niger.

This is a beautiful coffee table book for people who don't know about Nigerien nomads. I love the pictures, and the text is interesting.

It's a great book with beautiful Photos. I enjoyed it very much.

The book was recommended to us by a noted collector of textiles and the book has exceeded our expectations. It is a noteworthy and wonderful addition to our collection of art books.

Excellent book, well written with beautiful pictures to accompany the text which is very informative re the different tribes and their individual styles of body decoration.

Absolutely love this book. A lot of information regarding culture, tradition etc on the different nomadic groups but what I love most are the pictures.

"Recording the Past, Supporting the Future", while Ruining the Present. Please do not buy this book. These two photographers are extremely unethical. I've seen them work during a festival in Burkina Faso and it was a disgrace for Western civilization. The aura of absolute entitlement was around Bekwith&Fisher during the multi-day festival as they stood/sat within less than a foot of the performers, covering the performance from all the locals (of which there were thousands and who were much further from the performance at the places designated for spectators). This was equivalent of someone climbing on the stage of the theater performance and standing right in front of the actors the whole duration of the performance. I talked to the organizers and they were upset with such behavior, but their hospitality didn't allow them to ask these women to be respectful. The cost of you being able to see moments of foreign culture are pretty steep here. The cost is ruining the same moments (except that they mean a lot more) for the people of that culture.

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